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Friday, January 28, 2011

Bfast: Rice bowl

Start your engines! Or some oil, however you would like to reference it.
Little picture montage of ingredients, butter, onions, brown rice, spinach, bacon, garlic, egg. Also included on the list are olive oil, walnuts (I’m obsessed), parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper.
Sautee them ernions. At this point I should have added the walnuts, but those were a split-second addition I threw in.
Drop in the bacon with a dash of minced garlic.
Top it off with spinach, a little more olive oil, parmesan, salt, and pepper.
Funny thing about spinach is it seems like there’s so much of it, then it wilts down to a quarter of the volume.
Get yir brown rice ready. Go ahead and set the spinach mixture aside (or on top of the rice) to start cookin the egg.
Overeasy egg y’all! They cook quickly and once they harden, you can’t really go back. Gotta keep a close eye on it. The best part is when the egg is runny and the yolk  becomes a binder for the entire dish.
Final product. Had some Challah bread and a big ‘ol cup of coffee that I’m still drinking after finishing the meal.
Little closer up.
Cooking can be so cathartic. It turns idle time into a reward. These motions have become second nature to me so I find myself thinking the entire time I cook. It’s a good time for reflection. Maybe replaying the evening before, repeating something in your head that someone said to you the day before, or just time to think about your horoscope.

Do you find yourself thinking while cooking? What do you usually think about?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Breakfast burrito experiment: Walnuts

Start yirr sauteein engines ladies and gents!
Get out all them ingredients you gon’ need. Today, I used tomaters, ernions, garlics, bacons, and walnuts in my egg mixture.
Drop in them onions. It helps when the oil is hot when you drop in that which you want to fry. A good way to tell is the immediate sizzling the food will make when it hits the oil. Listen closely to the sizzle as well, you don’t want to immediately burn the outside of the food you’re dropping in the oil. It’s gotta cook all the way through.
Dropped in the walnuts and the garlic next…
Then dropped in the bacon
Then to the eggs…I ended up adding one more egg in the process, using 3 eggs total. I knew it would be a long day.
Let the egg cake get to a firmer consistency then added the tomatoes and flipped it. I forgot to take a picture because I was setting up the wrap. Oopsy poopsy!
Once flipped, reduce the heat so you can prepare the rest of the feast while the egg heats all the way through. It is very easy to overcook the mixture and have a burnt egg breakfast burrito.
Same set up as yesterday, yummy fresh spinach and white American cheese in a lavash wrap.
Slide the egg mixture on for wrapping purposes and roll right up. I added some parmesan cheese for good measure.
For the final product, I cut up half a banana, made a pile of craisins, walnuts, and raisins, and grabbed a nice knot of Challah bread to dip into my coffee. Turned into a very filling breakfast for a long day ahead.
The idea of adding walnuts into the mix stemmed from, 1) loving walnuts 2) asian cuisine. I often enjoy dishes with nuts in them, e.g., cashew chicken, kung pao chicken, and walnut shrimp. Nuts seem to add a sort of meaty texture to the mix and a nice depth. The walnuts were a nice addition to this burrito. I really like walnuts so that my be why I was partial, but I encourage you all to break some standards when throwin down in the kitchen.

Anyone have any ideas they would like to see? I’m always willing to play Chef Guinea Pig =D

Monday, January 24, 2011

Belated Breakfast Burrito

Start heating some olive oil in a pan.
I pulled out bacon, onions, and garlic for the egg mixture.
I started sauteeing the onions first and then I threw the bacon and the garlic in as well.
Add the eggs…
Scrambled the eggs some and then I added sliced tomatoes at the last second…this pic is after I flipped the egg patty.
Lavash bread with white american cheese.
Add some fresh spinach…
Drop in the egg mixture and wrap it all ups$
Served it up with some bagel thins spread with craisin walnut cream cheese and banana slices. Had a nice cup of coffee to accompany the meal since I can’t go a morning without my cup (or two).

I chose to keep the spinach fresh in the wrap because the buttery crunch of the spinach adds much more texture. Also, the spinach helps take on some of the juices of the egg mixture keeping the wrap from being too moist.

So what did y’all have for breakfast?
Fashion sometime soon =D

Missed this.